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Aspects of Study Abroad that I loved

Updated: Aug 18

I have recently spent 9 months traveling around Europe while I was studying abroad in London, England. I had the time of my life. Studying abroad helped me reduce the built up stress that I had from the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic. My study abroad being suspended my junior year helped build up stress. During my time in Europe, I learned how to adapt to the laid back society in Europe.

It was a little frustrating to have every business close very early. Not having the ASAP service of America was tough, but I adjusted pretty quickly. I missed a lot of things from the USA, but I found things in London that I loved.

Check out my Instagram for some photos from my time abroad.

Making New Friends

When I started my study abroad experience, I luckily lived with five other Americans in our flat. We grew close and went to many different locations together. Before getting my living arrangement, I struggled to bring my luggage to the orientation building. I had a great conversation with this British mother, and 5 minutes later I met her daughter. Remember to stay open to talking to different people which allowed me to meet new people. I got the daughter's number and through these new friends, I met a whole group of new friends from all around England. I met friends that were from other countries and everyone was willing to talk about their countries and cultures. Also, I became friends with our flats next door neighbors which made for fun window experiences.

My new friends planned outings to clubs or day excursions which were amazing. Every few days a lot of different groups I was talking with would invite me to clubs.

Advice: Put yourself out there and talk to anyone you meet

Study Abroad: New Cultures

While abroad, I was able to fully immerse myself in the British culture. Some things I didn't try like bean and toast or fish and chips, but I switched up some of my terminology. I fell into routines like taking the tube and going grocery shopping at the local supermarkets. Through talking with my friends, I learned about the different cultures within England and the different locations. I learned about the England Slang and the different tropes. I learned so much and I enjoyed learning about the difference from the culture of USA and UK.

Study Abroad: Traveling to Different Countries

While I was abroad, I was fortunate to travel to a couple of countries and had fun being a tourist. I took a lot of pictures for memories and I had fun walking around and seeing the sights. My favorite part of traveling is seeing the statues, scenery, and any nature-based location. I especially like any place that has a lot of lands of water that I can see.

  1. France

  2. Greece

  3. Spain

  4. Germany

  5. Netherlands

Fun Senior Year

This past year was my last year in my bachelor's program and I had the time of my life. I finished my senior thesis the year before and all my requirements for graduation were achieved. I had a stress-free year taking three study abroad courses a semester. Of course, all my courses related to my degree, but they were amazing courses.

I missed my senior year at my university, but I didn't mind because I was abroad living my best life.

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