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August 2024 | Monthly Reset

Updated: Aug 15


Hello, everyone! It’s been a few months since my last monthly reset, and I’ve felt like I’ve been treading water since January 2024. With summer winding down and a new season approaching, now’s the perfect time for me to hit the reset button, refocus, and recharge. In this blog post, I’ll guide you through setting up your own monthly reset, reflecting on the past month, and planning for the exciting opportunities ahead. Plus, I’ll share my August 2024 reset with you.

1. Reflect on July

I’ve taken some time to look back on July. Here’s what I’ve been reflecting on:

Achievements: What goals did I accomplish in July?

July was a month of significant progress for me. Financially, I felt more in control, no longer juggling credit cards and debit cards to pay bills. I’m moving closer to my financial goals for the year. A highlight was receiving a raise at work. While I’m not rolling in dough, this raise has boosted my confidence and inspired me to think more strategically about my budget and long-term financial planning. I feel more optimistic about achieving my financial milestones by year-end.

Challenges: What obstacles did I encounter, and how did I handle them?

One major challenge I faced in July was maintaining consistency with content creation. I found it particularly difficult to create and edit video content, often feeling overwhelmed by the technical aspects. To tackle this, I’ve started breaking tasks into smaller steps and seeking out tutorials and advice from other creators. It’s a work in progress, but I’m committed to improving.

Lessons Learned: What did July teach me about myself, my goals, or my routines?

July taught me the importance of financial awareness and discipline. I relearned how crucial it is to track my spending closely. Without this monitoring, it’s easy to lose sight of my spending habits and financial goals. By revisiting my budget and using financial tracking tools, I’ve regained control over my finances and reduced my stress. Staying organized and mindful about my expenditures is essential for long-term financial stability.

2. Set My Intentions for August

With these reflections in mind, I’m setting clear intentions for August. I’m focusing on what I want to achieve and how I want to feel. Here are my goals broken down into specific categories:

Personal Goals: Health, hobbies, self-care.

In August, I’m focusing on improving my overall health and well-being, especially in the areas of diet, skincare, and exercise. I’ve been consistent with my gym routine for a year now, and my skincare regimen has been well-maintained. However, my diet needs improvement, so I’m aiming to establish a healthier eating routine.

Additionally, I plan to tackle organizing my personal space, specifically my storage unit. It’s been a while since I engaged in my hobbies because my supplies have been disorganized. My goal is to organize my storage unit so everything is in its place, making it easier to start new projects without frustration.

Professional Goals: Career advancement, skill development.

  • Career Advancement:

    • Networking: I will attend two industry-related events to expand my network and connect with potential mentors or employers.

    • Vision Planning: I’ll start outlining my career and personal life vision for the next five years to set clear goals and direction.

  • Content Creation:

  • I aim to produce and publish a video each month on various adulting topics, ensuring high-quality, engaging content.

  • I will develop and record new segments for 'The Ultimate Adulting Podcast,' including Foxchats and Just Jammin, to align with the brand’s vision.

  • Brand Expansion:

  • I’ll revise and enhance my marketing strategy to effectively promote content across platforms, using analytics to track and adjust.

Faith and Spirituality: Bible study goals, church involvement.

  • Event Success: I’ll ensure the upcoming church event is well-organized and successful.

  • Streamlining Tasks: After the event, I’ll work on streamlining church-related tasks to free up more personal time and reduce administrative duties.

  • Bible Study Plan: I’ll develop and start a consistent Bible study plan with regular sessions and reflection.

  • Character Study Blog Post: I’ll relaunch the Character Study blog series, focusing on biblical figures and local Christian leaders.

3. Plan My Calendar

For August, I’ll ensure all content aligns with my audience’s interests. I recommend marking important events on my calendar. Alongside scheduling content, I’ll include key work assignments, personal commitments, and significant activities to manage my time effectively and balance responsibilities.

4. Organize My Space

A clutter-free environment can greatly enhance my mental clarity and productivity. This month, I’m focusing on cleaning and organizing my storage unit:

  • Home Office: I’ll clear out old papers and organize supplies.

  • Living Spaces: I plan to tidy up my bedroom, living room, and kitchen.

  • Digital Space: I’ll clean up my desktop, organize files, and declutter my email inbox.

5. Self-Care and Well-Being

Burnout has been a significant challenge, so I need to prioritize self-care:

  • Mental Health: I’ll schedule dedicated downtime and relaxation. I plan to book a deep tissue massage for relaxation and recovery.

  • Physical Health: I’ll maintain regular exercise, a balanced diet, and ensure I get adequate sleep. This month, I’m focusing on improving my diet.

  • Spiritual Health: I’ll continue with Bible study, participate in church activities, and spend time in prayer to nurture my spiritual well-being.

Balancing these aspects will help manage burnout and contribute to overall well-being.

6. Review and Adjust

As August progresses, I’ll regularly review and adjust my goals as needed. I’ll stay flexible and open to changes, reflecting weekly to ensure I’m on track and making any necessary adjustments.


August is a month of transition, making it an ideal time for me to reset and prepare for the new season. By reflecting on the past, setting clear goals, and prioritizing self-care, I’ll be well-equipped to tackle the month ahead. Let’s embrace this opportunity to grow, thrive, and continue our journey together.

Remember to share your progress!

Let’s support each other and make August a fantastic month!

Check out my Blog post on Burnout

Check out the Instagram Account:

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