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Navigating the New Age: My Personal Reflection

Welcome to the heart of "New Age Perspectives," where we peel back the layers of our ever-evolving world. This isn't just a project. It's a personal journey through linguistic transformations, economic shifts, and the delicate dance of sensitivity in our interactions.

Unveiling Linguistic Transformation

I find myself at the crossroads of language, often feeling conflicted and, at times, trapped. It's an era where walking on eggshells is the norm.The fear of saying something perceived as wrong looms large. The anxiety that follows, and the potential for being attacked for unintentional missteps. In a society where everyone's feelings are more important than facts. The challenge lies in understanding different viewpoints amidst the chaos

Starting with a fear of being perceived as wrong for something I might say in this linguistic landscape, I reflect on my upbringing in a Haitian household. My family operated with a culture of brutal honesty where anything could be said, and I developed a thick skin as a result. I carried that straightforwardness with me as I grew up. While I never insulted anyone or commented on someone's appearance, I spoke my mind without hesitation. However, after my undergrad experience, I feel more reluctant to voice my opinions on certain issues due to the fear of facing cancellation.

From Celebrities to Everyday Discourse

Initially, I thought cancelation only applied to celebrities, reserved for when they did something egregiously wrong that was proven. I was mistaken. Cancelation now extends to things said or even false accusations. It's a new world, and not conforming to the rules can be perilous. I agree that certain terminologies should be avoided to prevent hurting feelings, but the situation seems to be spiraling out of control. This is especially evident in the realm of identity, where an overwhelming array of prescribed labels leaves little room to discover oneself. I was on board with 'they/them' pronouns, acknowledging their existing usage as plural. However, the introduction of terms like 'cat and cat self, sponge and sponge self' raises the question: are we still speaking English? Voicing such thoughts out loud risks cancellation.

In navigating these sensitivities, I've opted for a case-by-case approach. Throughout this exploration of the new age, I'll delve into various topics and trends that have caught my interest. I'll provide my perspective, acknowledging that my posts may carry some emotional weight. The evolving landscape, while embracing positive change, leans towards prioritizing feelings over facts. I aim to offer a balance of both, infusing a touch of my emotions to match the prevailing energy of this new society.

Economic Shifts

The Rising Cost of Living and the Blurred Line Between Needs and Wants

In the realm of economic shifts, I've realized how everything is becoming more expensive. It's not just the basic necessities, but the expanding list of wants disguised as needs that contributes to the financial strain. I'm guilty too – 50 pairs of shoes when a few would suffice. It is the era of instant gratification, where desires are instantly fulfilled, often without a second thought. The struggle is real, not just due to a higher cost of living, but the blurred line between needs and wants that many of us contribute to.

The fluctuating value of money has perpetually shaped our perspectives on essential needs. I've observed a noticeable rise in the cost of basic necessities, encompassing food, shelter, and fundamental clothing. By basic clothing, I refer to the minimal essentials required – a place to sleep, sustenance from groceries, and simple attire for daily wear. It's important to clarify that the concept of basic clothing does not include an excessive wardrobe; a few shirts, pants, and a pair of shoes constitute the necessities. While these essentials are experiencing an increase in cost, it's crucial to distinguish them from non-essential expenses.

Essential Needs

Certain items, often perceived as necessities, fall into the realm of personal choices rather than genuine needs. For instance, the argument surrounding the necessity of owning a car arises, with some deeming it essential for work-related transportation. However, I posit that while convenient, a car is not a strict necessity, as alternative means of transportation exist. The societal trend of instant gratification further blurs the line between needs and wants, fostering a culture of increased spending on non-essential items. This consumerist behavior, fueled by online shopping and constant exposure to advertisements, contributes to financial strain. As we navigate rising costs for essentials, it becomes imperative to reevaluate our spending tendencies, acknowledging the distinction between genuine needs and discretionary desires.

Striking a Balance

In acknowledging this societal dilemma, I admit my own role as a consumer. Despite my inclination towards purchasing non-essential items, I strive for honesty in recognizing the situation. While the prices of necessities surge, it is noteworthy that some non-essential items have become more affordable, tempting individuals to prioritize wants over needs. It is crucial to strike a balance, practicing fiscal responsibility by budgeting for necessities and curbing unnecessary expenses. Acknowledging the economic challenges we face, it's essential to take individual accountability for our spending habits and contribute to collective efforts in navigating these financial challenges responsibly.

Speaking with Sensitivity

Navigating conversations feels like walking a precarious tightrope. Every word I choose carries immense weight, and the fear of unintentionally causing offense creates a constant undercurrent of anxiety. Expressing my thoughts has become a delicate dance, requiring careful consideration and word rehearsals to ensure I won't unwittingly spark a heated debate. Even seemingly innocuous conversations now seem to have the potential to turn political, intensifying the pressure to be overly cautious with my words.

The Push Towards Conformity

It's hard to ignore that society is pushing us towards conformity, insisting on a singular way of living and thinking. The implication is clear – if you deviate, you find yourself on the fringes. This societal shift brings to mind George Orwell's "1984," where individual identities were erased, and everyone mindlessly adhered to predetermined topics, devoid of any true sense of self. It makes me wonder, is this the trajectory our world is on? Is this the new normal?

Living in a state of constant fear, worrying about saying something deemed inappropriate, induces its own form of anxiety. I acknowledge the need for sensitivity, it's disheartening to see that this very sensitivity can work against us. Every word I utter is subjected to scrutiny. It is analyzed for its perceived rightness or wrongness, and the consequence is potential exclusion or excommunication. It's an environment where the fear of expressing myself freely looms large.

Challenges Amidst New Terminologies and Guidelines

The constant introduction of new terminologies, topics, and guidelines in discourse feels like an erosion of individuality. The authenticity of natural conversations, where diverse viewpoints could coexist and be openly discussed, seems to be slipping away. The regular influx of new pronouns, often without a complete understanding of their implications, adds to the overall sense of confusion.

The confusion deepens when individuals who haven't experienced certain struggles assert themselves as authorities on those issues. For instance, someone who transitioned into a woman discussing challenges unique to women raises questions about authenticity and representation. Voicing dissenting opinions on such matters can lead to being labeled the "bad guy," highlighting the perceived need for conformity.

Conformity versus Personal Identity

Contemplating George Orwell's dystopian vision, I find a resolute rejection of a world devoid of individuality. Refusing to conform isn't just a rebellious act but a preservation of my personal identity. The internal struggle intensifies – how can I strip away the essence of myself to assimilate into a homogenized societal machine? The prospect of conforming to societal expectations at the expense of authentic self-expression raises a poignant question: What kind of person would I become if conformity prevailed over individuality?

In this New Age, I question whether the need for constant vigilance in speech aligns with the openness that should characterize meaningful conversations. There was a time when society accepted differing opinions without transforming into a political battleground.


As we embark on this exploration together, I invite you to share your experiences, challenges, and insights. "New Age Perspectives" is more than an observation; it's a dialogue. Let's navigate this new era with authenticity, understanding, and a shared commitment to unraveling the complexities that define our times. Join me on this personal journey through the chaos and sensitivity of the New Age.

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Check out my latest content: Surviving the New Year’s Eve Odyssey

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