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New Year's Kiss- Lucy and Tim

New Year’s Kiss - One day before New Years

Life is always great when you play some games with your loved ones. At least, I think so. I love playing games with my boyfriend and every year on New Year's we play a game for a New Year's kiss. Last year, I played I Spy in the city for my kiss. Tim usually makes up a game each day or adapts one. For the I Spy game, he had a booklet with pictures of places that I had to visit, before getting the picture to the last location. The pictures were pretty blurred and distorted to make it difficult to spot the places at first glance.

Last year, I came in the nick of time for New Year's. Just as the clock struck for the new year, I rushed into Tim’s arms. He would have still kissed me even if I was late. This year, I can’t wait to see what Tim comes up with. He usually tells me the game on Christmas, but this year he told me to wait a little longer. I couldn’t help but think that he was struggling to come up with a game this year.

“Lucy, are you okay” So how Tim snuck into the house, while I was thinking.

“ Yes, I just can’t wait for this year’s game. “ I tried to hint that I wanted to know what game I would be playing this year.

“Just be patient, this year I took it to a whole new level. I don’t want to tell you now. I want to keep it a surprise just for a little bit. “ I liked surprises, but I felt like something was wrong. Why couldn’t he tell me what the game was? Was there a way that I could cheat if he told me in advance? When he told me about the I Spy game, I tried to go around the city and look at the landmarks, but that didn’t help much.

“ I promise it will be worth the wait”

“ Okay,” I knew I wasn’t going to get him to cave. Usually, it was easy to do that.

I don’t know why I couldn’t find out a day before the game began. Every year, the game officially starts on December 31st at 6 pm. Now I would just have to wait.

“ Lucy, I swear it will be worth it.” Tim walked over to me and towered over me. He started kissing my neck and I melted in his arms. His hands went from resting on my shoulders to sliding down to my boobs. Over my shirt, his fingers circled my areola. His other hand cupped my stomach.

He lips leaned over to my lips and whispered “ Lucy, baby can you be patient for me”

I couldn’t find what I wanted to say. I nodded and looked at him. He lifted his head from my neck and looked down. He then leaned in for a kiss. When he went to pull away, I lifted my hands around his neck and swayed my hips against his penis, and leaned back.

8 Hrs before Midnight

The day came and went; I didn’t get anything done. The next morning Tim was acting a little strange. He was nervous and he was stumbling over his words. How bad could this year's game be? I went to work and all day I tried to lower my expectations. Maybe, this year it will be a quick and dull game. Which I am okay with, not every year could be an extravagant plan.

I got home at 4 pm and Tim was already home.

“ Hey babe, you home early.” Tim usually got off at 5 pm and was usually home by 5:15.

“ I had a few things I needed to pick up for the game”

I couldn’t help a smile creek up on my face. Tim was acting his normal charismatic self again.


Tim handed me a big black box with a red ribbon tied around it. I couldn’t wait much longer so I grabbed the box quickly out of Tim's hand and untied the bow.

When I opened the box, there was a lacy body suit with black jeans with black booties in it. I lifted the outfit and the boots out of the box outside of the book. I was so confused, does this mean that we won’t be playing a game? Tim has never bought clothes for a game before.

“That’s what you’ll be wearing for the game. “ I looked back at Tim and he was smiling. Tim had this way of seeming innocent and sweet, while also looking menacing. He looked very much menacing.

“ There more in the box” I looked back in the box and there was this smaller black box, I opened it up and a long oval silicone thing fell out. I picked it up to examine it, and then all of a sudden the thing vibrated. I turned around to see Tim sheepishly smiling with his phone facing me. He made the thing Vibrate.

“It’s a sex toy.” I almost rolled my eyes. I knew what it was. I was confused as to why it was in my hand.

“ Is it part of the game” He laughed. I was feeling very vulnerable and it was showing. Our sex life wasn’t boring, but we’ve always played it close to the line, never over. We’ve done handcuffs, but it wasn’t anything rough. We never did anything adventurous with our sex life.

“ Yes, This year we will be playing Hot and cold.”

“ That’s so easy, I will find you in no time. How will you know where I am and how will we communicate, are you limiting the game to a small radius? “ I fired questions all at him.

“ Wait, what’s the sex toy for? “

“ One question at a time. A sex toy is how you will find me, and I have set it up so when you get closer to the receiver it vibrates harder.” I looked at the sex toy.

“ Yes, the toy will be inside you. We will be talking on the phone, you’ll have your AirPods in and you will be in town the whole time. “

“So I’ll feel the toy. “ I felt my face turning red.

Suddenly, I don’t remember anything about the game except the toy and where it will be. I looked up and Tim was smiling.

“ How about we take a shower and I’ll explain everything again to you. After the shower, we’ll put the egg in” He said it so casually, like it wasn’t something sexual we were going to do.

After Tim explained everything in the shower, I understood everything, but I couldn’t guarantee that I follow everything with a vibrating sex toy in my vagina. It was so exciting and scary. Tim was showing a new side to him and it feels like this is something he has been thinking about for a long time.

It would be nice to try something new.

“What happens after I find you? Do we still kiss? “ It would be such a turn-off if I’m getting hot and bothered in the city and when I get to my guy all I do is kiss him.

“ Then I get my prize. Your lips both of them. Your body. Your boobs. I was thinking we enter into the new year with me fucking your brains out”

I squeaked and couldn't move after that. I’ve never heard Tim Speak this way. I liked it. Tim was always attentive when it came to my needs, but this side of him was more demanding and carried power. I was aroused thinking of what he was thinking about doing to me.

“ Okay, when do we start” I was giddy. I was ready to go.

The plan was that after I would be fully dressed, I would put the egg into me. After a 30-second warm-up, Tim would send me to the starting point and turn on the toy. When I was getting close the vibration would become stronger. When I was at the right place the egg would vibrate on the highest setting.

Throughout the game, Tim would stay in contact with me and give me clues if I was getting colder.

The plan was simple, but it seemed very hard. What if the egg didn't vibrate or what if I lost signal? What if the vibrator was too loud and everyone could hear? What if I wasn’t attracted to this side of Tim?

I was excited and scared. Tim looked at me.

He smirked.

“ You can do this. You know you want to. “

The game was set to start at 10:30 and end at midnight.

Tim helped me get ready being so attentive. I think he didn’t want me to bolt or bail out of the game. He made me bend over our bed, he lifted one of my legs on the bed and I heard a bottle squirting. When I turned around, I saw him putting lubricant on the toy. He told me to put my head down and then put the egg in. He then helped me get dressed and waited 30 minutes to see if I was comfortable before the game began. after the 30 minutes, he looked at me and SAID I had 30 minutes to get to my starting point the pier.

The egg felt weird. Tim told me after 30 minutes he would turn on the egg. I had the idea of following him, but I wanted to play this game right.

The Games Begin

Once I got to the pier, I still had 5 minutes to spar, and. I just started into the dark sea. I sat on a bench waiting for further instructions. At 10:30, Tim called.

“Alright, babe you ready”

“Yeah,” I was a little nervous so my words felt weak.

“All alright, so start walking to get a feel for the egg”

I began walking but couldn’t feel anything.

“ Tim are you sure the things on”

“It’s on babe. If you’re not feeling it that means you’re not close you’re getting colder.”

I turned around and started heading in the opposite direction towards the skyscrapers.

“ Good job babe”

“ Tim I’m not even close, I can’t feel anything maybe it’s not working”

“ Lucy, you have to trust me, just keep walking”

I walk closer to the busy city. I’m getting a little worried now that someone can hear something once it starts working. Once I almost lost, hope I entered Lavender Park and I felt a tiny buzz.

I may have screamed a little too loud. I quickly adjusted and whispered.

“ I feel it”

Tim chuckled “How does it feel”

“ it only tickles now does it get worse?”

“ no, it’s better more intense”

And excitement flew over me. This is happening in public. I passed through the statues in the park and chest when I was about to exit Lavender Park. The buzz intensified.

“ Woah “ I whisper

“You’re doing great Lucy, you going to be so wet soon”

I was so not used to Tim’s words that they sent a surge through me. I kind of wanted to prove him wrong, but it was so hard as I was already getting Wet.

I cleared my throat “Can I get a hint where you are?”

“When you’re within 5 miles of me, I’ll start Dropping hints.”

I left the park and headed straight down Main Street passing the Christmas tree at the mall, the president statues, and right when I was about to reach the center of the city, buzzy got stronger. I quickly move back where the bus with a little softer.

“ Lucy, why are we going backward? Lean into the feeling you’ll get used to it the more you walk. “

I kind of knew Tim would be tracking me on the phone, but I didn’t know how precise the location tracker was. He knew exactly why I stepped back. It was almost as if he was teasing me.

“ I just need a couple of seconds”

“ Okay take a couple of seconds, but remember you do not have an hour to find me for your gift”

I looked down at my phone and it was 11:00. How has time passed this quickly?

“ OK, I’m moving”

“ Lucy, I would hate for it to reach midnight and have you go to bed without getting off”

“ Tim, you wouldn’t do that to me, would you? “ It was sexy the way he was talking. So daring

I continued walking towards the business district. At this point, I felt myself walking funky and I was huffing and puffing because of the toy.

“ Baby, hearing you pant is the sexiest thing ever. I can’t wait for you to find me and for me to ravish you. “

I whimpered.

Unexpected Encounter

“Lucy” oh no, that voice came from behind me. I was in the business district where me and Tim worked. The voice that caught my name was Marlene one of my good friends, and she was working with her boyfriend, Jeff, Tim’s best friend.

“ hi, what are you guys doing out so late?” I tried my best to not seem panicked, but I didn’t want to disclose what was going on.

“ Jeff is taking me to dinner. I’m a little confused why we’re eating a little late but we have a little restaurant staying open for us.” Marlene explained

I looked at Jeff and I thought. Did Tim plan this? Before I could say anything. I felt the buzzing of the egg start going in and out in a pattern and that aroused me even more.

“ oh, that’s great to hear. Well, I won’t keep you. I have to go find Tim.” I tried to keep it short and sweet

“Oh, you guys are playing one of your games, right?”

“ yes” I was trying to be as short and sweet as possible, but Marlene could talk your ear off.

“ what game are you guys playing this year?”

“ Hot and Cold”

“ oh wow how do you know if you’re getting closer or farther away”

I looked at Jeff and he smirked. Of course, he knew Tim told him. He did this on purpose.

“ on my phone. My phone tells me when I’m getting closer further away.” I tried to quickly cover up the stutter, and hopefully, she believed my life. And to try and move on, I said.” Well, it was amazing seeing you guys, but I have to find him before the new year to get my New Year’s kiss. “ I waved them goodbye while I ran past them into an alley.

“ Tim I hate you. “

“ Oh, come on babe don’t be like that”

“ he knew, you told him”

“ yes I did but I promise it’s the only person that I told, are you OK?”

I thought about it I was OK. It was a little exciting and terrifying. I just needed to catch my breath.

“ Lucy, can you move away from the alleyway? It’s not safe out here love.”

I caught my breath and got out of the alleyway.

“ You want me to turn the toy off for you to take a minute”

I heard it in his voice. He was worried about me.

“ No, I’m fine.”

once I got to the main road, I started walking in the same direction but I was walking before I encountered Marlene and Jeff.

And then Tim said, “ Stop.”

I stopped in my tracks because I thought something was wrong. Instead, he said you are within 3 miles of my location. I’m gonna give you three clues to figure out where I am.

“ you ready for the clues”

“ Yes” My voice strained a little

The Clues

Clue 1: "Here are your clues, Where the stars meet the skyline, our paths entwine. Look up, and you'll find the first clue to our rendezvous."

Clue 2: "Follow the celestial ride, closer to where our hearts coincide."

Clue 3: "Open your ears, no need for fears, secret location, New Year's cheers."

Lucy stood amid the bustling city, clutching the mysterious message from Tim. "Here are your clues," she murmured to herself, rereading the enigmatic words. Her eyes scanned the skyline, searching for the meeting point of stars and buildings. A smile crossed her face as she looked up, realizing the first hint lay was the rooftops of the buildings around her. Was she supposed to determine which \building with a rooftop was the secret rendered point?

The second clue intrigued her— "Follow the celestial ride, closer to where our hearts coincide." Lucy's curiosity heightened as she wandered through the city, gazing at the buildings that seemed to have rooftops. The celestial guide, she thought. and then it hit here. The New Year's beacon that Tim’s company had shining through the night was nearby and with 20 minutes to go, she quickly tried to get to the building. With every step, it seemed like the egg was pushing against her spot.

With the final clue, Lucy focused on her sense of hearing. "Open your ears, no need for fears, secret location, New Year's cheers." The words echoed in her mind as she listened intently to the sounds of the city. She was already heading to Tim’s company when A distant melody caught her attention, a tune that felt familiar and comforting. Lucy followed the music, taking a huge risk.

“ he stopped heading towards my office. Do you have a change of mind “

“ Tim don’t tease me that our song. I’m following the final clue. “

“Are you now” I like this flirtation, Tim

Her ears leading her to a hidden spot where the promise of a joyous New Year's celebration awaited. Each step brought her closer to deciphering Tim's playful clues and the anticipated embrace that awaited her.

She stopped at the building where the singers were singing. It was their old apartment. She grinned, she knew she was in the right place.

They moved from this place two years ago, after they graduated from college. It was horrible, living conditions, but it was the first place they had together going up the stairs. Lucy almost went straight to their old apartment, but then she remembered the first clue.

“ The rooftop” She quickly climbed the stairs until she got to the roof when she looked at her watch it said 11: 59. She was just in time.

She flung the door open to the roof and ran. Tim was in the middle, waiting for her with candles, lit around and flowers in hand. She ran and tackled him, kissing him just as the bells rang to welcome the new year.

“ I made it, OH I made it. “

“ Are you crying” Tim looked concerned.

“ This was so intense, And oh Tim turn it down turn it down” In the excitement she forgot for a minute about the toy, but it was now at the strongest level and she could not handle it.

Tim turned it down, but not off. He said I noticed you said down and not off. He smirked. 

The New Year’s Kiss

I leaned in for a kiss and he followed suit., Fireworks had been going off all night, but at that moment i felt all the lights from the fireworks and the loudest boom

“Happy New years, “ Tim said smiling

I forgot all about New Year's and the game all I wanted was Tim. I got down on my knees and unbuckled Tim’s pants. He didn’t protest. I places his dick in my mouth and began sucking. I was horny and I wanted it at that moment. Before this game, I don’t think I ever would have done something like this.

Between moans, Tim managed to speak.

“ Baby, let’s me get something to block the roof door. “

I looked up and him and nodded. He had a blanket layer out in the middle of the candles and I played down. Tim put his pant on and found a pipe that he slide in the door's knob and a hook on the wall to keep the door from opening.

He turned around and looked at me. He smiled. I started taking my shirt off. I pulled it over my head and I could see Tim again, he was in front of me on his knees with a ring in his hand.

“ O God, It’s happening. This is it “ Tears started falling from my eyes

Tim hesitated “ I can ask in another place, sorry I thought”

Before he could continue, I leaped at him

“ Yes, Yes, Yes I’ll marry you”

“ you had me going there”:

I laughed and he slipped the ring on my finger. I leaned over and kissed him. I went in for the peck and he held me close. He reached behind me and unhooked my bra.

“ We started something, I think we should finish it”

Follow me on Instagram: @Barbara.St.Fleur

Check out my Latest post: Surviving New Year's

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