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Relationships: Five Issues and Solutions

Today’s topic is five issues in your relationships, whether romantic, platonic, or familial. Now you know I don’t just list things; I like to provide my commentary. Let’s get started:


You have heard it over and over and over again, but there is a reason why that is. Communication is vital, and it doesn’t matter how many times people hear this one word. They never try to communicate. I understand it is difficult to state what you want in rough situations, but you should practice being more open with people you consider important to you.

Issue solution

To effectively work on your communication, set some time apart to talk to the person you may have issues communicating with. Set an appointment with the person to discuss your issues. Setting an appointment ensures no distractions, and neither party has any previous engagement. I have learned that rushing crucial conversations will not help you.


Communication and Listening go hand and hand. You need to be able to listen to the other person to successfully communicate. Everyone would like to believe they are good listeners; I put listeners into two categories: Passive and Active. The Passive Listener is listening but isn’t trying to understand the person’s Point of View. An Active Listener can listen to an individual and provide a helpful contribution to their conversations. Passive Listeners like to say whatever they want without considering the other person’s talking points.

Issue solution

Just like communication, you should ensure that nothing else has your attention while someone is telling you something important to them. One of the main reasons I say that you have to understand what the person wants is because sometimes a person wants to talk about something that is going on in their life, and they may not want you to fix anything. You know that sometimes you want to rant.

Loyalty and Trust

You know people that would come through for you in some hard times: parents, a boyfriend, or a friend. You need to understand that these people should never betray you. Betray someone one time, and you lose their loyalty forever. If you crash your parents’ car, they will forgive you. They will not forget. I believe that some people make a mistake, and they will hurt you. I will honestly say that once they make a mistake that hurts you, it will be hard for you to trust that person again.

Issue solution

Try entrusting that person with small tasks. You are rebuilding your relationship and trust. The relationship will not be the same, but you will build a new relationship with that person.


Money is valuable and can drive a wedge in your sturdy relationships. I have a couple of rules when it comes to money. I don’t do business with family and friends mainly. Mainly because when something occurs in your business relationship it affects your relationship with that person. Money opens up ways that you will have problems with other people that you know. When you have an issue with a friend or family member, they will share their business problem with friends that you both know.

I won't disclose how much money I have in the bank, and I don't discuss my salary.

Issue Solution

Always be prepared for a monetary argument. When you brace yourself for arguments it eliminates the surprise. I would personally put economic agreements on paper to ensure that there is a documented account of the transaction to ensure there isn’t any confusion. One last thing, you should forget the money issues if the person you have a dispute with is someone special to you. If you love someone so much, money should be the issue that makes or break your relationship.

One-Sided Relationship

A one-sided relationship is what it sounds like. When one person gives more to a relationship than the other, it creates an unstable relationship. One-sided relationships occur a lot, and the first piece of advice is to recognize the signs. People don’t acknowledge they are in a one-sided relationship. If you listen to every one of your friend’s problems, and when it comes to your problem that friend won’t listen that is a one-sided relationship. If your boyfriend says that you can not hang out with any guy friends, and he has a girl friend he hangs out with all the time, that is a one-sided relationship.


One-sided relationships are toxic, and I hate to tell someone to get rid of a relationship, but this is one of those times that you will need to get rid of those relationships. I had a lot of friends that did not last because I felt like I was being used and drained.

Final Remarks:

Of course, there are a lot of issues in the relationship, and I only covered five today. I think you must know the problems that you can encounter in any relationship in your life. You should also know what solutions you can try to solve these issues.

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