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September 2024 Monthly reset : Reflect, Recharge, and Realign Goals for a Productive Fall

September 2024 Monthly reset

Welcome to September! It’s the start of a new month, and honestly, it feels like August just flew by. As we transition into fall, I'm fully embracing all things pumpkin spice (no shame in that!). But before we dive into my September 2024 Monthly reset, let’s reflect on August—the good, the bad, and everything in between.

Reflecting on August 2024

What Went Well:

  • Family Fun: I funded some fun back-to-school activities for my nieces and nephew. Whenever back-to-school season rolls around, everyone focuses on essentials. I decided to give the kids money with one condition: they had to spend it all in a day, and it had to be on something they wanted. One of my nieces and my nephew bought hair products, while my younger niece went all out at Five Below. It was definitely fun and, although it decreased my bank account, their happiness was worth it.

  • Beach Day and Pool: I took a much-needed break and enjoyed a relaxing day at the beach and pool. Right before school started, I planned a beach day for the kids filled with fun and sun. I brought an umbrella and my Igloo cooler to make sure we were comfortable. The next day, we hit the pool. My mom wasn't thrilled that I got the kids' hair wet after they were prepped for school, but hey, YOLO, right?

  • Personal Rebrand: I made significant progress on my personal rebranding journey. I’ve started documenting everything and hope to post my first video on the process soon.

  • Website Focus: I've been focusing less on design and more on content creation, and it's paying off. There’s still a lot of design work to do, but I’m getting closer to the finish line and nearly ready to lock in a brand color palette. Creating more content has been my main focus because that’s what my website needs most.

Challenges Overcome:

  • Spending Habits: I spent a lot this month, but I’m learning from it. Back-to-school season isn’t cheap, but I don’t regret those purchases. I’m aiming for a more affordable September.

Areas for Improvement:

  • Impulse Control: I still struggle with impulse buying. My goal is to practice more self-control and stick to my budget. I want to be able to say “no” or “not now” to things I want, avoiding instant gratification.

I'm making strides every day, and even though it’s not perfect, I’m committed to continuous improvement.

Setting Goals for September

I’m keeping it simple this month with one major goal:

  • Save $500 from my paycheck by the end of September.

I don’t want to complicate things. I want to continue what I was already doing in August, but with a spotlight on saving money and setting a specific dollar amount.

Organize Your Space

This past month, I did a major overhaul of my room, creating a dedicated self-care and charging station. It feels amazing to have a clean, organized space that truly reflects my needs. I also moved items to where they belong—my self-care and skincare products are now in the bathroom. This not only helps me feel organized during my bath or shower, but it also creates an immediate sense of calm with all my scents and mood-setting features right where they should be.

Remember the Three Steps to Organize:

  1. Declutter: Get rid of items you no longer need or use.

  2. Reorganize: Find new, efficient ways to store your belongings.

  3. Refresh: Add some greenery or update the decor to bring in fresh energy.

Sometimes, when I do a monthly reset, I focus on cleaning a specific area. This month, the spotlight was on the bathroom.

Prioritize Self-Care

August was a big month for self-care. I signed up for a massage subscription at $79 a month—locked in for a year because self-care is non-negotiable for me. The subscription includes one massage a month, plus discounts on products. I tried a deep tissue massage and absolutely loved it. In September, I’ll schedule my next massage and continue finding other ways to prioritize self-care.

Focus on Holistic Health:

This year, I’ve had quite the doctor’s bills, and I’ve decided I don’t want that to be a recurring theme. The plan is to focus on holistic health this month and hopefully in the months to come.

  • Mental Health: Incorporate mindfulness or journaling to manage stress and anxiety. I’ll also be figuring out which foods are best for me and what I need to do to support my mental health.

  • Physical Health: Continue eating a balanced diet and getting adequate sleep. I did well with salads and workouts last month, but planning meals and exercise ahead of time will make a big difference. I also want to actively choose foods that benefit specific parts of my body or conditions I may have.

  • Emotional Health: I’m excited to dive back into aromatherapy—essential oils always help elevate my mood. I’ve already started with my diffuser, wax warmers, sprays, and hand soaps. Hopefully, this doesn’t mean I’ll be spending too much at Bath & Body Works!

Reconnect with Nature

I kicked off the month with a beach day, and I’m planning to do more outdoor activities in September. My goal is to have at least three moments of reconnection with nature this month. I also want to explore other activities beyond just beach days.I've always felt connected to water and greenery. I love sitting and doing something peaceful like thinking about life and how it feels slowed down, when I am away from any sight of the modern world.

Plan for the Future

As the year winds down, I’m ready to grind—whether it’s my brand, work, or personal life. September is about taking decisive steps forward in all areas. As August 2024 comes to a close, I’m making a last-dash effort to make it count. I had a last-minute movie night with my niece and brother, making it the second one this month. I want to continue moments like these, but also plan to rest in the last few days and keep some things on the back burner to do another time.

Moving Forward

As I step into September, I'm filled with a renewed sense of purpose and determination. August was a month of reflection, growth, and learning, and I'm carrying those lessons with me. This month, I’m focusing on saving, organizing my space, prioritizing self-care, reconnecting with nature, and making strides in my personal and professional life.

I’m excited to see what September holds and confident that with intention and effort, I’ll achieve my goals. Here’s to a productive and fulfilling month ahead—let’s make it count! I hope that everyone does your September 2024 Monthly reset before starting the new month.

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